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Top 20 Best Mouse Cursor Schemes For Windows

Top 20 Best Mouse Cursor Schemes For Windows

If you are bored with the Windows interface and you are tired of its default customization options, you should try some personalization packages. One of the best ways to make your Desktop look unique is to use a new mouse cursor theme. You'll find plenty of them on the Internet. Today, we're going to share with you 20 of the best free mouse cursor schemes for Windows, which you can use to improve the visuals of your operating system. Let's get started:
NOTE: These mouse cursor schemes work in Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

1. Metro X Cursor Set

The Metro X package gives your computer a cursor scheme that is inspired by Windows 8.
Windows, Mouse, Pointer, Schemes, free, download, bestDownload page: Metro X Cursor Set

2. New Mac OS X Cursors

You might be tempted to try a set of cursors made to look like the ones from Mac OS X. This set contains six different styles of cursors. Install the INF file that matches the style you would like to use. Alternatively, install every INF for each style in the set.
Windows, Mouse, Pointer, Schemes, free, download, bestDownload page: New Mac OS X Cursors.

3. Gant Cursor Pack

This cursor set is based on the popular Gant icon set that is used for customizing Windows, Linux, etc. This set contains 2 color schemes: yellow and blue, each of which has two sets. In other words, there are a total of 4 sets of cursors, which are in 4 separate folders.
Windows, Mouse, Pointer, Schemes, free, download, bestDownload page: Gant Cursor Pack

4. Hello Cursor

For those who love the worldwide phenomenon that is Hello Kitty, here is a cursor set featuring the cute Japanese icon. This set does not contain an INF file. It also is not a complete set, meaning it only has the cursors illustrated in the image below. However it can be used if you follow the recommendations shared in its description.
Windows, Mouse, Pointer, Schemes, free, download, bestDownload page: Hello Cursor

5. Direction

A more unusual set of pointers, which you might actually enjoy. You can see how they look in the picture below.
Windows, Mouse, Pointer, Schemes, free, download, bestDownload page: Direction.

6. Mario Gant

A set of hand cursors based on the Super Mario character. Pretty awesome, right?
Windows, Mouse, Pointer, Schemes, free, download, bestDownload page: Mario Gant.

7. UNDERSized

A simple and small sized set of cursors for those who like really small icons.
Windows, Mouse, Pointer, Schemes, free, download, bestDownload page: UNDERSized.

8. Krystall

An unique and colorful icon set. This cursor pack does not include an INF file for an easy installation. However it can be used if you follow the recommendations shared in its description.
Windows, Mouse, Pointer, Schemes, free, download, bestDownload page: Kystall.

9. Oxygen Cursors

Originally created for KDE, this icon set was ported to Windows and is one of the most popular icon sets of all time on DeviantArt. This set contains 37 different color schemes.
Windows, Mouse, Pointer, Schemes, free, download, bestDownload page: Oxygen Cursors.

10. Rainbow Cursors

This is a mouse cursor scheme based on Mac cursors that changes its color constantly. If you like vivid colors you'll love this cursor.
Windows, Mouse, Pointer, Schemes, free, download, bestDownload page: Rainbow Cursors


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